How to write a resume: 7 tips for getting a new job

Whether you want to create a simple PDF file or create a resume online, following a few simple rules will help you write an effective and professional CV.

In the article, we will tell you in detail how to write a resume correctly: from choosing the correct format to the final editing of the finished file.

How to write a resume:

1. Choose the correct format

2. Add contact information

3. Tell us about your experience

4. Add an education section

5. Include additional sections

6. Edit the finished file

7. Create an online resume

1. Choose the correct format

Before writing a resume, decide on its appearance. Recruiters usually take a few seconds to determine if they like your resume, so the first impression is everything here.

Resume design depends on your profession. To decide on your look, look at the best resume templates for different professionals. But in any case, the visual part of the resume should look simple and professional.

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Here are some general tips:

  • Organize the sections in order of importance. Units with professional experience and education should always be at the top. Places of work are usually arranged in chronological order, starting with the most recent class of work. Additional information (skills, hobbies, language skills) is at the bottom of the resume.
  • Highlight Important Points Make sure your resume sections don’t overlap by highlighting headings or increasing size.
  • Use bullets. Pay attention to the text you are reading right now. Since each paragraph is separated into a section and begins with a shot (period), it is much easier to read. Use a similar technique on your resume.
  • Be concise. Ideally, your entire resume should fit on an A4 sheet – so avoid too much information.

2. Add contact information

If you write a resume for a job, do not forget to leave your contacts. The contact block should be located at the top of the page and include your name, phone number, email address, and physical address for correspondence.

To avoid confusion, use only one address and one phone number. Create a corporate email for a more professional resume.

3. Tell us about your experience

How to write a resume that will grab the attention of a potential employer? Put the experience section first.

Practical experience and skills say more about specialists than a diploma from the most prestigious university. So make sure this section looks flawless.

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Here’s how to write a resume with work experience:

  • Stick to the format. Add company names, job titles, a description of your responsibilities, and years of service.
  • Use verbs. When describing responsibilities and achievements, use phrases like “Provided creative solutions and increased conversions” instead of “Responsibilities included creative solutions and increased conversions.” This action will make your resume look more proactive and professional.
  • Take the lead. In addition to using verbs, use phrases that show you are highly engaged. For example, “managed” instead of “participated” and “created/developed” instead of “helped create.”
  • Back up facts with numbers. Statistics are more convincing than any words. Demonstrate with the help of numbers what your benefit was to the company. For example, “increased website conversion by 140% in a year” or “attracted 4,000 new customers to the company, including 30 whales.”
  • Demonstrate professional growth. If you can’t provide statistics, tell us what you’ve learned in previous jobs – and how these skills can help your potential employer.
  • Use only relevant information. Recruiters pay attention only to information that will be useful to the company. Therefore, exclude any irrelevant professional experience from your resume – for example, a student job at a gas station or your part-time job as a barista.

4. Add an education section

Some companies require a diploma with a specialized education; others don’t even check it, only looking at your skills and experience. In any case, writing a resume with detailed information about your education is essential.

Indicate your university, specialty, and year of graduation – or several if you received more than one diploma. Of course, you shouldn’t indicate your school studying – it is unlikely to be relevant for recruiters.

In the same section, you can include any severe awards you received during your studies – for example, the Potanin scholarship and other distinctions.

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5. Include additional sections

One of the main secrets of how to write a resume competently is understanding a potential employer. Which outline will a recruiter like more – as concise as possible or more detailed? If you settled on the second option, here are some essential tips:

  • Skills. Knowledge of code or web design, fluency in Chinese or Excel – include in your resume everything that can be useful in the desired position.
  • Images. We advise you to avoid any pictures of your resume, including your photo. Your appearance is irrelevant to a recruiter – unless it’s a model’s portfolio.
  • Hobby. Mentioning your hobbies can make your resume more personal – as long as the rest of the information still fits on one A4 sheet.
  • Volunteering. Passing mention of your charitable work is acceptable to share your values ​​with the employer.
  • Introductory text. A couple of suggestions about your approach to work. For a copywriter, this could be “I need to write beneficial texts and solve the “pain” of the client.” However, leave a more detailed explanation for the cover letter.

6. Edit the finished file

Before sending your resume to a potential employer, review it again. Make sure all sentences are easy to read and free of typos and stylistic flaws.

Also, check the formatting: font style and size should be consistent throughout the document.

7. Create an online resume

Once you have figured out how to write a resume, think about its online version. Statistics said that 93% of recruiters search for information about a candidate on the Internet. And then they will invite for an interview. So, a solid online presence can be to your advantage.

You can create a resume online and discuss everything that won’t fit your one-page PDF document. For example, leave links to social networks, add a video presentation, attach a portfolio, or even create a blog.

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