How to write a description of the product so that customers buy it

In an online store, issuing a product card and giving a detailed description is essential, which will interest the user to place an order. It is necessary so that the target audience can understand the product’s primary characteristics and not go to your competitors for additional information.

This article will consider the product’s description, learn its preparation features, and analyze typical errors.

Why is it essential to write a good product description?

In the product card, it is essential to convey to the site visitor why he should buy the product and how he can use it. The buyer pays attention to the photo, characteristics, reviews, and benefits of the product or service.

Below is an example of a wrong product description. There is a name, images, fabric composition, and care instructions. At the same time, there are no characteristics or advantages in the card that would explain to the user why he is making a purchase.

Here it would be worth telling what you can wear a sweatshirt with, how its color helps to diversify your wardrobe, or what are the features of this item: cut, length, width, and the like.

When a person chooses a thing on the Internet, he cannot touch it, evaluate the quality or try it on. Thanks to the product description, you can interest the consumer and influence his buying decision.

And here is an excellent example of describing and filling out a product card. Photographs capture the attention of cartoon fans – both older and children – and target a specific audience segment, product features, selection information, and customer reviews.

The product description must:

  • Clearly explain what the product is for.
  • Show how and when it can be used.
  • Highlight the benefits.
  • Provide the necessary information to the target audience. For example, the younger generation must make the product from recycled products, while it is durable and quality for the older generation.
  • Contain reviews or links to reviews.
  • Contribute to SEO promotion.

Why do you need a description of the characteristics of the goods

A correct report helps:

Broadcast the USP and argue why the product’s price is above average.

Solving a problem for a customer or showing how a product simplifies everyday tasks.

Attract attention with discounts and unique offers. For example, a consumer may receive two pillows when purchasing a mattress.

How to write an adequate product description

This section will consider the main criteria for a qualitative product description.

Text length

Most often, from 400 to 1000 characters are added to the description. The small text helps the user study the information and decide quickly. Ample text, as a rule, is rarely read to the end – it is better to place it on the blog and add a link to the article on the card.

Shown here is the information on the cordless screwdriver. The user can select full text or a short text with benefits.

In this case, the information is presented to the target audience in simple language. In the beginning, the author tells what kind of tool it is, where it can be used, in what set it is supplied, and how long the warranty is. The product features and components are listed below.


The text in the description should be simple and aimed at the target audience. Speak to people in their language and avoid using terms the buyer can learn in the instructions.

Make sure that paragraphs and lists separate the text. It will help to quickly study the material and highlight the main thing: characteristics, advantages, features, equipment, composition, and so on.


Search engine optimization is essential to any product card and its description. Users see the product of interest in the search network and come to your site – for it to occupy the first lines in the search results, you need to select keywords.


The product description duplicates the product’s characteristics but does it in plain language. For example, many users pay attention to the noise level when buying a washing machine. Tell consumers about the modes in which the equipment works loudly. This way, you can show the usefulness of the information.


Create unique texts. Please do not copy them from competitors and product manufacturers you purchase. Yes, you can take the characteristics from the instructions for use and exciting features as a basis – but continuously adapt the source information to your target audience.

Product description options

You can talk about the product in a businesslike way, using storytelling or humor. The style of writing depends on the preferences of the target audience – study their interests, create a focus group, or find out from subscribers through social networks what content they are more willing to read.

In this article, we reviewed the product description, learned how to compose it and how to avoid mistakes.

When creating a product description, remember that it should:

  • Be exhaustive. You told me why the product is needed and how to use it.
  • Show advantages over similar products.
  • Be unique.
  • Reflect the main characteristics – composition, weight, and color.
  • To be supplemented with supporting content — reviews, certificates, videos.
  • Follow the structure in the product card – that is, go after the title and photos.
  • Be optimized for relevant queries.

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