How to be productive with multiple projects?

We have already figured out that the pace of “I’m on a call, leaving comments in two Google docs, and having lunch at the same time” interferes with work. Studies show that only 2.5% of people multitask effectively, and the rest are more likely to make mistakes.

But when you work for an agency or freelance, you simultaneously have beauty clients, an oil company, and a pickle brand in your chats. And everyone needs results now 🙂

How to quickly switch between projects and still not give out simple ideas?

Tip 1. Understand what goes into your multitasking and where the focus goes. Everything counts: pushes in chats, checking Twitter, tea with a colleague.

Then remove everything from the list above if you need to dive into a new topic or a complex project. Even the harmless “Hi, what’s the deal with the tender?” can lure you into the news feed with cases and memes of the day.

Tip 2. After 90 minutes of productive work, take a break – for example, for 15 minutes, but you can choose the intervals for yourself. The brain cannot concentrate for longer, and leaves save you from fatigue.

It will be fantastic to take a walk or scroll the feed, too, if it switches you.

Tip 3. Set aside an hour for each task with a new brand and scope to see related articles, subscriber posts, and the website. Otherwise, you can fall into the trap of omniscience: trust your experience rather than the audience’s interest.

→ The case of our creative copywriter Yulia: after reading Ogilvy’s “About Advertising,” she was inspired to take an exploratory approach to creativity. Before each assault, she makes a Google spreadsheet with four columns: research facts, insights, trends, and ideas. The first three are filled during research; the last one is for spontaneous ideas that grow into big ideas. It helps to look deeper into the topic and dive into the context.

Tip 4. Work with task switching. Imagine: you made up the priorities for the day, went to a big project, and how editing flew into you. You immediately go to answer – because the brain wants to switch to a more straightforward matter. And so the whole day.

Leave an hour or two on the calendar for such ASAP and be focused on priorities. And you may be afraid that you will need to remember the introductory information about the project. In that case, checklists will help: what are the project’s features, what changes have already been made, and what was the concept or strategy about? So you quickly remember everything and can work at a deeper level.

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