How to work with SCRUM?

Scrum, sprint, backlog… 🤔

You can use magic outside of Hogwarts to understand these concepts and how they relate. After all, we did everything for you.

Scrum is one of the most popular flexible project management methodologies. It is built on the team’s collective experience and involves specialists with all the knowledge and skills necessary to work on the project. And they can independently decide what tasks to perform to achieve a common goal.

A scrum team must be small enough to stay agile and big enough to get significant work done. It often consists of 7 specialists; if the project is large, several teams can work on it.

The main feature of Scrum is the sprint

These are the small subtasks that make up the project. All sprints have the same duration: from 1 to 4 weeks. During this time, many meetings are held.


The first meeting starts the sprint. During planning, it is determined what works and how the team should perform.

Daily meetings on the go

The team meets simultaneously to evaluate the work progress and adjust it. Usually, daily sessions last up to 15 minutes.

Sprint overview

Conducted when work is completed. During the meeting, the team presents results and evaluates progress.


The team discusses the completed tasks. Determines what was good, what problems arose, and how to solve them in the future.

Each sprint’s result is visible—for example, a new function. Thanks to the sprint, we understand that the work is progressing successfully. Or not.

A new sprint starts immediately after the previous one has ended. And no other way. Everything is strict here. For each sprint, a backlog or list of tasks is created. By completing these tasks, the team is on its way to achieving the goal of the stage.

Scrum rests on three pillars: transparency, validation, and adaptation. The work process should be transparent and understandable, and the results should be visible. An audit is needed to identify discrepancies and problems. Adjustment and adaptation will be required if something deviates from the permissible limits. They were done — they avoided shortcomings in the future.

Scrum is suitable both for young projects and for those that are several years old. It allows you to test hypotheses to evolve continuously.

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